- How can you estimate about the climate changes that occured thousands of years ago? by dogan8b to Rhian, Alice . Comments: (No comments so far)
- What is the reason of stone’s activity in Gobi Desert? by dogan8b to Andi . Comments: (No comments so far)
- How were formed pyramids? by smara14 to Andi . Comments: (so far, 2 comments)
- How difficult is to walk across the lava field? by teodoratudoran28 to Rhian . Comments: (So far, one comment)
- Will it form a new continent through the East-African Rift? Are people involved in this kind of nature transformation? by adriana8 to Rhian . Comments: (No comments so far)
- Are there some other ways that plate tectonics affect humanity (besides earthquakes) ? by teodoratudoran28 to Daniel, Andi . Comments: (No comments so far)
- Why does Iceland have so many volcanoes ? by teodoratudoran28 to Rhian . Comments: (No comments so far)
- Where and what is the Ring of Fire ? by teodoratudoran28 to Rhian, Daniel, Andi . Comments: (No comments so far)
- Is the ash dangerous for humans ? by teodoratudoran28 to Rhian . Comments: (No comments so far)
- Is the ash from volcanoes going to affect the climate ? by teodoratudoran28 to Rhian . Comments: (No comments so far)