Questions Answered by Rhian
Which was the most dangerous volcanic eruption ever ?
by malina2504
to Rhian, Andi .
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It is possible that in the near future a volcanic blast surround the Earth twice just like 1883 eruption of Krakatau
by jonnyx7
to Alice, Andi, Bas, Daniel, Rhian .
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Do you think the time will discover a method by which the atom to be fragmented into smaller particles by chemical?
by smara14
to Alice, Andi, Bas, Daniel, Rhian .
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If the world will be destroy,which type of natural disaster will destroy the world in future?
by amg7
to Alice, Andi, Bas, Daniel, Rhian .
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How would you imagine Atantis if it would be descoverd?Would you think it would be similar to the one from the movie
by amg7
to Alice, Andi, Bas, Daniel, Rhian .
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The surface gravity is so great that no ray (particle) light inside the hole does not have enough energy. Planets can’t
by adriana8
to Rhian, Daniel, Bas .
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Earth pollution can destroy the human race? Or can cause major changes in climate?
by ancapavel23
to Alice, Andi, Bas, Daniel, Rhian .
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This might be a bit off-topic, but do you believe in God, nature or yourself?
by midnightenvy7
to Alice, Andi, Bas, Daniel, Rhian .
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Hello. Do you think that games can improve memory, attention and focus?
by midnightenvy7
to Alice, Andi, Bas, Daniel, Rhian .
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What was the most dangerous situation you were in?
by iostan
to Alice, Andi, Bas, Daniel, Rhian .
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