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- Hello. I wanted to ask…what does paleomagnetism particularly study? :)
- Do you expected to be one of the finalists?
- Why is water vapor only in the troposphere part?
- 1.How did Earth and other planets form?-su yaşin
- Do you think the accumulation of tension can be prevented in order to reduce the intesity of earthquake? (1 Comment)
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- Thanks from your winner - Andi! (2 comments)
- Do you think the accumulation of tension can be prevented in order to reduce the intesity of earthquake? (1 comments)
- If there is an earthquake on Jupiter, Mars, Venus etc. will it still be called EARTHquake ? (1 comments)
- How do you measure the depth of an ocean ? (2 comments)
- What do you think of music like Ed Sheeran's songs? (1 comments)
That’s a really good question and the answer is yes, they definitely can.
Volcanic ashes can float and drift up into the upper parts of the atmosphere (the stratosphere) and there they can remain suspended there for a few years.
There they interact with the ozone molecules and through some chemical reactions (because of the chemicals contained in the volcanic ashes) they can break the links between the molecules and destroy them. So this can cause damages to the ozone layer.
So I think the main point is that it depends on how big the explosion is.
Some big eruptions that had an impact on the ozone and the atmosphere are the Mount Pinatubo one in 1991 or the Krakatau. But there a re some other ones. Big ones!
hmmmm… good question! volcanic eruptions can definitely have a big effect on the atmosphere and can cause the climate to change (at least in the short term, but also sometimes in the long term!). I’m not sure if they impact on the ozone as i think that there are certain man made chemicals called CFCs that damage the ozone and they are not created by volcanoes.