Question: I know that only 1% of the water in the world is potable,and the water is vital for every day life(and unfortunately the resurces of the earth are fewer and fewer)Which could be a method to produce potable water in the future?

  1. Hi! That’s a good point!
    I guess that through research we may find more ways of producing potable water and to do this in more efficient ways. Some of these methods already exist, but they are not very efficient, which is the reason why they are not used that much.
    An example is desalination (I was also talking about that in this answer:
    /2015-zone/2015/03/10/do-you-think-in-the-near-future-will-be-able-to-filter-the-water-in-the-ocean-so-we-can-use/) which is what they do in some coastal countries and also on ships, so they use ocean water. However, this process is expensive and consumes a lot of energy.
    Waste water can also be cleaned and re-used. Think for examples of astronauts: they can’t carry a lot of water into space, so actually the water they drink is purified and re-used over and over (yes, it means that it also comes from their toilets…but don’t worry, they clean it very well!). But this is also a complicated and expensive process.
    So scientists will probably need to work on this a lot more if we really want efficient and possible alternative ways of producing potable water.


  2. Good question and a good answer! I hope that we find a way of getting more potable water soon, we definitely need it! I think one day, future wars might be fought over water instead of oil 🙁

