Questions Answered by Jesse
What can families do to reduce the impact of earthquakes?
by 6fkabrea
to Anna, Daniel, Denise, Jesse, Rehemat .
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If there is no earthquake occurring, how do you know when a volcano is about to erupt?
by nteedo1009
to Jesse .
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What is your favourite Vulcane
by niklasschubert
to Jesse .
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When was global warming first discovered and how?
by lucia
to Rehemat, Jesse .
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Hi Jesse.Have you ever been to Poland?
by blee
to Jesse .
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who wanted to be when you were a kid?
by kasia1g
to Anna, Daniel, Denise, Jesse, Rehemat .
Comments: (so far, 4 comments)
Don’t you think that if a person was to cut a whole tree off, then they have to plant 10 more trees so that there
by 6fkabrea
to Anna, Daniel, Denise, Jesse, Rehemat .
Comments: (No comments so far)
What will happen if a meteor crashes Earth?
by mofletitos
to Anna, Daniel, Denise, Jesse, Rehemat .
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Which football club are support
by niklasschubert
to Anna, Daniel, Denise, Jesse, Rehemat .
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What are the largest glaciers
by 6mpettha
to Jesse, Denise, Daniel, Anna .
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