Question: Do you think humans will understand that if you destroy nature you can't eat money?

  1. I like to be an optimist and think that yes, one day humanity will discover. But be aware that the problem is usually the one that is doing a lot of money, those guys want to live their wonderful presents and, usually, do not give a sh*t anything.


  2. Hi amg7,

    There are a lot of different and also opposing interests on Earth which make it hard for everyone to live and act sustainable. But the good thing is, that the awareness concerning sustainable energy and an healty environment has risen in the last years and decades after decades of strong pollution. A lot of companies, for example, work hard to be more efficient and less polluting. It will take some more time, but eventually all humans will not only acknowledge, but also understand and live to sustain the environment.

    All the best,


  3. Hi!
    I think that one of the main problems is that we don’t want to give up all the nice things that we’re used to, so it’s not just about money, but actually being a bit less “selfish” sometimes.
    I guess if we all did our bit, we could probably have bigger improvements.
    So yes, definitely big companies need to invest some of that money in sustainable energy. Luckily some of them are doing it.
    And hopefully people will also understand that we can all help in this, in through very small everyday things.
    So yes, I think one day we’ll definitely all learn the lesson. Hopefully not the hard way. So let’s hope it won’t be too late!


  4. wow! excellent question! it’s sad to even need to think about it, but i think your right…. one day people will realise that being rich isn’t enough, if your planet is dying then we are all dying. but maybe they will all use their money to go another planet and start destroying that one instead?? 🙁


  5. The problem is that many of our actions that might be bad for our planet don’t affect directly our personal life, so we don’t experience the harm we are doing! all this destruction goes quite slowly and most of it in places like the Amazon where we never come. So before we actually start noticing the effects of our way of life it will be very difficult to stop people.

