Questions Answered by Daniel
what are your views on the theory of primordial soup?
by arianagrande
to Anna, Daniel, Denise, Jesse, Rehemat .
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What country would you like to visit?
by kasia1g
to Anna, Daniel, Denise, Jesse, Rehemat .
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What kinds of movies do you like most?
by kasia1g
to Jesse, Denise, Daniel .
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Do you watch the World Cup in Brazil, who do you support?
by kasia1g and 1 other.
to Jesse, Daniel .
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Do you want to jump with a parachute?
by kasia1g
to Jesse, Daniel .
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do u have a gf?
by stefan
to Jesse, Daniel .
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You said that if you were not a scientist, you would have been an entrepreneur. What exactly you would do as such?
by kisi19chan
to Daniel .
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Your mother lenguaje is the Spanish?
by vick
to Daniel .
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How and why do compressional forces cause folding?
by 6fkabrea
to Anna, Daniel, Denise, Jesse, Rehemat .
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Why do you participate in this chat?
by kasia1g
to Jesse, Denise, Daniel .
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