Question: Have you ever seen a ghost or UFO?

  1. Hi Tommy1,

    No I haven’t! 🙂


  2. Hi Tommy,
    very peculiar questions you have for scientists 😉
    As you might expect, no, I have never seen a ghost nor a ufo.
    Although sometimes I did see some Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs), that means something I could not understand at the first glimpse, but then it always turned out they were satellites, or planes. Very disappointing, indeed 🙂
    Did you ever see something “strange”?


  3. Hi tommy1:
    No, I have not seen ghosts, although my mother-in-law says that she saw one last time she visited. I have seen Unidentified Flying Objects, which were probably meteorites, airplanes, or something else. If you refer to aliens in flying saucers, well I have not seen them and there is no evidence that they exist. If they existed, they would really have to travel long distances. Alpha Centauri is the closest star to the Solar System at 4.2 light years away from us. If we say that aliens live there and were to visit us, they would spend 78,000 years to reach us if they used the fastest NASA ship (travels at about 60,000 km/hour). Of course, if they had better technology and were able to travel at the speed of light, they would reach us in a little more than 4 years. But we don’t know that the technology exists. Just the large distances in the universe are enough to me to say that it would be difficult to have extra solar system visitors.

