Question: What do geohydrologists specialize in?

  1. Hi onalenna, great question! A geohydrologist basically studies groundwater flow and its interactions with the rock, soil and other material that it flows through. Hydrogeology, geohydrology and groundwater hydrology are all pretty similar.


  2. Hi onalenna , indeed a geohydrologist studies the motion and properties of inland waters, so all the water that is not in the atmosphere nor in the sea/ocean.
    Basically, it’s a complementary specialization of mine ( I am an oceanographer) since for me the bottom of the sea and the coast are where I stop, and for a geohydrologist is where the fun starts!


  3. Hydrogeologists study the flow of water and other fluids through rocks and soil. Many specialize in mathematical model to try to predict how much water will flow through the fractures and pores in the rocks. Others are interested in the flow of contaminants leaking from tanks or other sources. A colleague of mine used the geophysical properties of rocks (electrical conductivity) to make maps of the contaminants and water under the surface.


  4. Professionals in the hydrology sub-field of the geosciences usually study water, specifically the amount of water on the planet, water movement, groundwater levels, ocean water runoff, rainfall and flooding. Geohydrologists generally work as consultants or environmentalists.


  5. As the others have said geohydrologists study water and lots of things related to it like its occurrence, circulation and distribution on earth, as well its chemical, biological and physical aspects.
    Hydrologists help to solve problems caused by water, including pollution, flood forecasting, runoff caused by rainfall, problems to do with acid rain, droughts, and water use and agricultural applications too.

