Question: Have you got a hobby apart from laboratory?

  1. Yes I do!

    I play the violin and am part of 2 orchestras – the Richmond Orchestra and the Imperial College Sinfonietta.
    I also go climbing every Saturday with some of my friends from my university. I also like watching tennis – I can’t wait for Wimbledon to start – and try to organise at least one surfing trip to Cornwall each year.


  2. Yes, lot of hobbies! Music is a big hobby, playing instruments, creating music with my computer, etc. I run a lot for exercise and competition. I also enjoy sports like rock climbing, backpacking, mountain biking, etc. Other than that I enjoy spending time at home with my wife and two cats, watching movies, playing games, reading and exploring our new home!


  3. Yes I do, maybe too many 🙂 I like writing, and I have a personal blog in which I write short stories or little adventures I come across during my expat life, my work, my travels..
    Besides, I do crochet and I like to sew clothes, bags, or little puppets or creatures I invent. I love it, especially during the winter time, when the weather doesn’t allow me to spend time outdoor.
    As a sport, I regularly swim and bike.
    Does travelling count as a hobby? it is quite an expansive one, but it is maybe the best thing that you can start doing when you have your own salary 🙂


  4. Yes, I enjoy reading, photography, hiking, traveling, writing short stories, watching movies, playing sports, and spending time with friends and family. I make a point to separate work from other things that I enjoy in life. I strive to have a balanced life where I can spend time with family and friends, myself, and work.


  5. Hi Stefan96, Of course I do! I love playing sports, hockey, water-polo and table tennis. I am also very into photography and painting. I have taken part in a number of international competitions where I have won in both disciplines. Furthermore, I also love reading and writing. Last but not least, I love Summers in Malta, all of the BBQs, swimming and general night life are simply fabulous and make up what I call ‘my Maltese hobbies’. 🙂

