Question: Has there ever been a discovery of volcanic eruption prevention? And if not, can we find one?

  1. There have been lots of efforts to predict volcanic eruption, especially recently because of all the advanced technologies that geologists have available such as GPS, ground-shaking monitors, etc. A lot of this work is being done on the active volcanoes of Iceland. But, volcanoes will never be able to be “prevented” or stopped because they occur naturally and have been for billions of years. Besides, I wouldn’t want to prevent them, they are pretty cool!


  2. As Jesse rightly said, unfortunately, preventing or stopping volcanoes is not possible, as this is something which is naturally occurring, but there have been numerous studies to try to predict volcanic eruptions. Although this does not prevent the volcano, it will help in preventing loss of human life and disruption. I hope this helps! 🙂

